Playing Time Alphanumeric Game Type Manufacturer No. Players Designer Reduced Items Age |
List Games by No. Players 1+ 1-2 Players 1-3 Players 1-4 Players 1-5 Players 1-6 Players 1-7 Players 1-8 Players 2 or 4 Players 2 Players 2+ 2-10 Players 2-10+ 2-12 Players 2-3 Players 2-4 Players 2-5 Players 2-6 Players 2-7 Players 2-8 Players 3+ 3-10 Players 3-4 Players 3-5 Players 3-6 Players 3-7 Players 3-8 Players 4 Players 4+ 4-10 Players 4-10+ 4-11 Players 4-12 Players 4-6 Players 4-7 Players 4-8 Players 4-9 Players 5-10 Players 6-12 Players 7-8 Players 8-18 Players 8-22 Players 8-24 Players Solitaire Teams |
Magnificent Flying Machines
Was £42.99, Now £25.00 In Magnificent Flying Machines the winner is the person who ends the game with the most victory points. These can be earned in various ways including being the first to land successfully on a certain terrain tile, landing on the middle airfield, transporting cargo or passengers or performing trick manoeuvres. Simply being the first to cross the finishing line is unlikely to be enough on its own to secure a victory. The winner will be the player who picks a strategy that best matches the abilities of the pilot and features of the flying machine they are using. Contents:
5% over £50 10% over £100 These volume discounts are in addition to sale and special offer prices. Related Tags |
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